And I cannot stress this enough CHARGE BEFORE USE. Not sure how it would do in dueling though, I trust it nonetheless.

My only real complaints are that the flash on clash isn’t as sensitive as it should be, I almost cut a ceiling fan in half and it didn’t make a noise. I also love how sturdy the blade is, it held up so far without even as much as a scratch. The colors are beautiful as well, deep blues and rich reds, even a pink which was surprising to see. It comes with music as well if you want, they’re good if you need them (not sure why you would though). Which all sound fantastic and I think they should show these off more. Leia, Kylo ren, obi wan kenobi, count dooku, cal kestis, Vader, Darksaber, Palpatine, and Rey. It’s interesting though, as the description mentions six sound fonts, I count nine. Simply put, the sound is unmatched, at this price point. Long answer: This saber is one of the best on the market.

Get this impressive Silla Lightsaber now.

Darth Sidious saber is designed for close combat and is a heavily preferred choice due to being light and thin while still utilizing a full-sized blade.